Maiden City Sub-Aqua Club 2019
Medical Information FAQ FAQ

Medical Information

Maiden City Sub-Aqua Club
The requirement for evidence of medical fitness to dive within the UK Sport Diving agencies (Sub Aqua Association, Scottish Sub Aqua Club and the British Sub Aqua Club) is met by the Self-certification process recommended by the UK Diving Medical Committee (UKDMC), an advisory body comprising doctors who specialise in diving medicine. These recommendations are as a result of a study undertaken by Dr S Glen and his colleagues at Edinburgh University involving all the members (around 3000) of the Scottish Sub Aqua Club (SSAC) and publication of this study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The UKDMC therefore recommend that each member on renewal of membership complete a new medical self-declaration form annually. This form is a legal document and the signed declaration confirms that the declaration is truthful. If a diver answers 'No' to all questions on the form they complete the declaration and hand the original to their DO to be held by the branch for one year. They need to retain a copy for the Qualification Record Books for reference purposes. If a diver answers 'Yes' or is unsure on any area, they should not sign the form but must seek advice from a Medical Referee. From an initial telephone call and depending on the advice of the referee, the diver may be able to complete the form, or get the form endorsed by a Medical Referee by posting it to them with a stamped addressed envelope for return. If the diver is advised to see a medical referee and is passed fit to dive, a copy of a current Certificate of Fitness to Dive signed by the medical referee should accompany the annual medical declaration form. (The referee will determine for how many years that certificate of fitness will be valid). The full wording of the recommendations can be seen on the website of UK Diving Medical Committee here. The change to the medical system to one of self-declaration but meeting the requirements for periodic medical assessment for divers in the respective organisations, has been accepted and approved by the SAA National Committee, BSAC Council and the General Committee of SSAC. The medical form can be downloaded by clicking on the links below as well as a list of frequently asked questions, they are in "PDF" format and require "Adobe Acrobat Reader" for viewing.
Medical Info Medical Info Lectures Lectures Medical Form Medical Form UKDMC UKDMC
 Maiden City Sub-Aqua Club 2019
Medical Information FAQ FAQ

Medical Information

Maiden City Sub-Aqua Club
The requirement for evidence of medical fitness to dive within the UK Sport Diving agencies (Sub Aqua Association, Scottish Sub Aqua Club and the British Sub Aqua Club) is met by the Self-certification process recommended by the UK Diving Medical Committee (UKDMC), an advisory body comprising doctors who specialise in diving medicine. These recommendations are as a result of a study undertaken by Dr S Glen and his colleagues at Edinburgh University involving all the members (around 3000) of the Scottish Sub Aqua Club (SSAC) and publication of this study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The UKDMC therefore recommend that each member on renewal of membership complete a new medical self-declaration form annually. This form is a legal document and the signed declaration confirms that the declaration is truthful. If a diver answers 'No' to all questions on the form they complete the declaration and hand the original to their DO to be held by the branch for one year. They need to retain a copy for the Qualification Record Books for reference purposes. If a diver answers 'Yes' or is unsure on any area, they should not sign the form but must seek advice from a Medical Referee. From an initial telephone call and depending on the advice of the referee, the diver may be able to complete the form, or get the form endorsed by a Medical Referee by posting it to them with a stamped addressed envelope for return. If the diver is advised to see a medical referee and is passed fit to dive, a copy of a current Certificate of Fitness to Dive signed by the medical referee should accompany the annual medical declaration form. (The referee will determine for how many years that certificate of fitness will be valid). The full wording of the recommendations can be seen on the website of UK Diving Medical Committee here. The change to the medical system to one of self-declaration but meeting the requirements for periodic medical assessment for divers in the respective organisations, has been accepted and approved by the SAA National Committee, BSAC Council and the General Committee of SSAC. The medical form can be downloaded by clicking on the links below as well as a list of frequently asked questions, they are in "PDF" format and require "Adobe Acrobat Reader" for viewing.
Medical Form Medical Form UKDMC UKDMC